When We Speak

Who Can Speak

When they speak, it is scientific;
when we speak, it is unscientific;

When they speak it’s objective;
when we speak it’s subjective;

When they speak it’s neutral;
when we speak it’s personal;

When they speak it’s rational;
when we speak it’s emotional;

When they speak it’s impartial;
when we speak it’s partial;

They have facts, we have opinions;
They have knowledge, we have experiences.

By artist and activist
Grada Kilomba
From her book Plantation Memories
reprinted here with Grada’s kind permission
When We Speak banner

The Programme

We are a youth-led activist and social justice programme based in East London for 15-25 year olds.

We believe lived experiences are valuable knowledge that can be translated into practical positive social action.

We work together to explore issues we care about and map out what social change is needed in our communities and wider society.

Young woman works on a collage for the Battle of Cable street Event

Cultivating a youth-led space

We facilitate creative, practical and reflective workshops that are responsive to themes and topics that young people care about.

We also provide 1-2-1 coaching and microgrants, putting money in the hands of young people who are leading positive change in their communities. 

Gaining an accredited qualification

Young people can work towards a level 4 qualification in Health & Social Care.

This is a learner-led flexible course, consisting of 14 modules that includes expansive thinking such as reimagining London, self & collective care, and skills clinics covering, project planning, running an event and evaluating impact. 


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We invite grassroots activists, community organisers and powerful social justice campaigners to share their knowledge and experiences with us.


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Putting money in young people’s hands to lead and do is paramount.  We invite young people to pitch their idea for a micro-grant so they can get their projects off the ground.


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Embracing individual differences, our specialised coaching and 1-2-1 mentoring caters to each young person in the programme. Together we identify what support is needed and how we can provide it.


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Recently launched,  the When We Speak Zine is a quarterly publication that is designed, edited and created by young people, for young people.

Check out our first Zine: BLOOM here, which includes our MANIFESTO

We are currently cooking up Zine #2 which is called Layers: Collectively peel back and explore what mental health means to us.

Would you like to contribute to this edition? get in touch with javierahu@toynbeehall.org.uk

Want to chat more?

Get in touch at whenwespeak@toynbeehall.org.uk

Contact us

Volume series

A public learning seminar series for young people aged 15-25.

We invite grassroots activists, community organisers and powerful social justice campaigners to share their knowledge and experiences with us.

It’s an opportunity to expand our understanding of what activism & social change can look like. It also allows young people to build their networks in that field. 

Have a look at our catalogue of past sessions. 

Interested in attending and upcoming workshop? 

Sign up on our whats on page


VOLUMES 2019-2020

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Contact us

If you have any questions, would like some more information or would like to express your interest in participating in the programme please complete this form and we’ll get back to you. 

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