Tag: cost of living

head shot of author Priscila Hernandez, Project officer on Thrive LDN’s research & evaluation team. Photographed wearing a Venezuelan flag inspired jacket.

Guest Blog: The role of participation in the production of knowledge

By Priscila Hernandez, Project Officer on Thrive LDN’s research & evaluation team.

Peer researchers co-desining more effective policies

Will it be fair and protect the most vulnerable? Why we’re concerned that September’s mini-budget won’t help those most in need

“This government isn’t for us. Why they want to help people who are comfortable already, I don’t know. It’s always about saving them.” Nasrat, Toynbee Hall Peer Researcher Toynbee Hall’s Research and Policy Peer Research Team reflect on the worsening cost of living crisis and call for fair and targeted policy measures in tomorrow’s mini-budget…
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An outdoor electricity metre

Cost of living crisis: Joint statement from ACEVO

We add our voice to the many desperately alarmed charities and voluntary organisations and call on the government to urgently deliver meaningful financial support to those in greatest need.

Toynbee Hall response to additional cost of living support measures

Toynbee Hall’s response to today’s announcement on the additional Cost of Living support measures

Toynbee Hall response to today’s announcement on the additional Cost of Living support measures announced by the Chancellor.

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