News and Blogs

Queen Elizabeth II opens Attlee House in 1971

A statement on the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth from Stephen Burns, Chair of Trustees

We are deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Her Majesty the Queen.

The entrance to Toynbee Hall

We are part of the 2022 Open House Festival

Toynbee Hall will be open on Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th September and will be running guided tours as part of the 2022 Open House Festival.

An outdoor electricity metre

Cost of living crisis: Joint statement from ACEVO

We add our voice to the many desperately alarmed charities and voluntary organisations and call on the government to urgently deliver meaningful financial support to those in greatest need.

Jim is handed a leaving gift, a painting of Toynbee Hall, by two of our Community Centre members

A message from departing Chief Executive Jim Minton

After 5 years Jim is leaving Toynbee Hall to become Chief Executive of the Mayor’s Fund for London and shares some final reflections on his time here.

Peer Research project

3 Things I’ve learned about peer research

Dr Xia Lin shares what she has learned about peer research as part of Co-Production Week.

London Legal Walk 2022

Join us for 2022 London Legal Walk

On Tuesday 28th June, we are taking part in the London Legal Support Trust’s 10k London Legal Walk in support of frontline free legal advice services.

Toynbee Hall response to additional cost of living support measures

Toynbee Hall’s response to today’s announcement on the additional Cost of Living support measures

Toynbee Hall response to today’s announcement on the additional Cost of Living support measures announced by the Chancellor.

Commissioning a Peoples History of Petticoat Lane cover

A Peoples History of Petticoat Lane

Toynbee Hall are offering paid opportunities to create exhibitions, events and creative community happenings on Petticoat Lane.

Transfer of Power in Practice - Invitation to tender

Invitation to tender: Transfer of Power in Practice

Toynbee Hall are looking to partner with an organisation or individual with a deep understanding of transferring power from organisations to individuals in a sustainable and replicable way.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2022

Mental Health Awareness Week, 9-15 May 2022: Tackling loneliness

Mental Health Awareness Week, hosted by the Mental Health Foundation. Together we can tackle loneliness.

Fixed Button Language and accessibility tools