News and Blogs

Eleanor’s Heritage Blog Part 3 – A Toynbee Hall Valentines Special

*Photo taken during performance of Romeo and Juliet at Toynbee Hall in 1939, donated by Jack Miles By Eleanor Sier, Heritage Learning and Participation Manager at Toynbee Hall In this Valentines Day special edition of our Heritage Blog series, Eleanor Sier, Heritage Learning and Participation Manager at Toynbee Hall, shares some stories of romance and…
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Sir Henry Brooke

We are deeply saddened to have learned of the passing of one of our most passionate supporters, Sir Henry Brooke. We are sad to note the passing of Sir Henry Brooke, a tireless and passionate supporter of legal aid and access to justice. We were proud to count him as a loyal supporter and friend.…
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Tribute to Eric Moonman OBE, a friend of Toynbee Hall since 1957

It is with sadness that I came back to work this week after a fortnight’s holiday to learn that Prof. Eric Moonman OBE had passed away on 22 December, aged 88. Prof. Moonman had long been a friend of Toynbee Hall’s, since 1957 when he came to live here as a residential volunteer. He continued to…
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The Treasury Committee publish Toynbee Hall evidence to their inquiry into household finances

The Treasury Committee have launched an inquiry into state of UK household balance sheets, including whether households are saving adequately in the current economic environment. It will scrutinise problematic indebtedness, inter-generational issues, lifetime financial planning, and the effectiveness of the market in financing solutions and products to low income households. As a leader in the…
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Our response to End Child Poverty’s latest figures

This week, the End Child Poverty coalition released their latest child poverty figures which reveal the shocking truth that in some parts of the UK, more than half of children are living in poverty. In real terms, this means living in households which have an income below 60% of the median household income. Some of…
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Could you change the way 1000’s of Londoners fight debt?

Do you know how it feels to be in debt? Do you want to make it easier for other people to escape debt, and to build secure financial futures? If this sounds like you then Toynbee Hall would like to invite you to be a part of the Fairer Finance Panel. The panel will: Let…
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Short Changed – New report calls for a bank account for every young Londoner

London Assembly launch a new report, looking at the financial health of Londoners. Yesterday at City Hall, The London Assembly launched a new report titled Short Changed: the financial health of Londoners which looks at why many Londoners are finding it hard to access quality and affordable financial services despite London being a leading global…
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Regeneration Photo Blog – The Hall Unveiled…

By Keith Greenough and Jim Minton With the roof now in place things are really taking shape. But Toynbee Hall is so much more than just a building. We want it to be a part of the community and a real catalyst for positive change for the future, inspired by what has gone before. Keith…
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£21,638 raised during the 2017 Big Give Christmas Challange

We are absolutely thrilled to have raised an amazing £21,638 during the 2017 Big Give Christmas Challenge, a week-long challenge that allows every donation given towards our youth project, Make it!, to be doubled. The figure was made up of just over £10,000 of online donations, which were matched by the fantastic people at Proms…
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Could you change the way 1000’s of Londoners fight debt?

Do you know how it feels to be in debt? Do you want to make it easier for other people to escape debt, and to build secure financial futures? If this sounds like you then Toynbee Hall would like to invite you to be a part of the Fairer Finance Panel. The panel will: Let…
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