Category: News

Housing forum at Toynbee Hall 15th December

Our Homes and Communities: Housing forum on Saturday 15th December

Come meet some of the leading community groups and organisations that campaign for affordable housing, for the rights of private and social tenants, against the privatisation of social housing and for the safety of all in tower blocks. 12:30pm – 3pm, Saturday 15th December at Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LS The “housing…
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Canon Barnett Primary School at Toynbee Hall

Our Mark – Artwork by Canon Barnett Primary School pupils becomes part of our historic building

Over the last two months, Toynbee Hall has been working with Year 4 pupils from Canon Barnett Primary School on a art project celebrating Children’s Rights. Year 4 pupils from our neighbours, Canon Barnett Primary School have been leaving their mark on their school and also on our newly restored historic building, creating a mural…
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The Big Give Christmas Challenge is now open

Double the impact of your donation and help us raise £22,000 for young people this Christmas

Donate to Toynbee Hall on from 12pm on #GivingTuesday 27th November and your donation will be doubled! For the fifth year running, Toynbee Hall is taking part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge, raising funds for our new youth project, Toynbee Hall Youth Action. During the challenge this year we aim to raise over £22,000 to support…
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Payday Denied

New Report – Payday Denied: Exploring the lived experience of declined payday loan applicants

Decline of payday lending sees people turn to friends and family New research commissioned by the Carnegie UK Trust and Barrow Cadbury Trust and carried out by Toynbee Hall and Coventry University. identifies need for greater investment in not-for-profit affordable products following tightened payday loan regulation. The collapse of the payday loan industry in the UK…
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Talk Money Week

Talk Money Week – let’s talk about debt and money

Last week was Talk Money week, a week dedicated to starting a national conversation on everything to do with money. From 12th – 18th November, the Financial Capability Strategy Partnership, a network of employers, charities, government and businesses, hosted a series of events and asked organisations to: encourage people to talk about money showcase their…
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Storytelling with Sinead

An Evening of Storytelling – Friday 30th November

On Friday 30th November, we’re hosting an evening of spoken word, storytelling and tales from the East End from a mix of London’s spoken word artists, storytellers and locals. Storytelling Night – Friday 30th November Then on Friday 30th November, we’re hosting an evening of Spoken Word, Storytelling and Tales from the East End from…
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4in10 Picking up the pieces event

Picking Up The Pieces – Toynbee Hall hosts event as part of London Challenge Poverty week

As part of the first ever London Challenge Poverty Week organised by the 4in10 network, we were joined by Matthew Ryder, the Deputy Mayor for Social Intergration and a range of voluntary sector orgainsations to discuss how we can support families affected by poverty. Organisations large and small supported the first ever London Challenge Poverty…
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Lord Neuberger -FLAC 120 event

Celebrating the 120th anniversery of our Free Legal Advice Centre

Sir Nicolas Bratza and Lord Neuberger join Toynbee Hall to celebrate the 120th anniversary of their free legal advice service. In 1898, Toynbee Hall launched the ‘Poor Man’s Lawyer’ service.  This offered free legal advice to those encountering employment, housing and consumer issues. Yesterday we held an event to celebrate the 120th anniversary of this…
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Channel 4 News highlight our fight against Britain’s poverty

Watch the Channel 4 News report on Toynbee Hall here Channel 4 News: The fight against Britain’s poverty This weekend Channel 4 News aired a report about the newly renovated Toynbee Hall and our fight against Britain’s poverty. We’ve been at the forefront of the battle against poverty for more than a century. We’ve helped…
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Introducing the new East End Influencers and their first blog post – The £5 Lunch Challenge

Over the summer we asked local people to share their experiences of East London, challenge assumptions and be part of our fight for a fairer London, by becoming East End Influencers. The Influencers will be asked to blog, vlog and create a range of online content for Toynbee Hall that reflects all aspects of life…
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