Category: News

Young black woman e-learning making notes looking at laptop

Toynbee Hall and Cleary Gottlieb are proud to launch The Champions Project to support young Black people with aspirations in the legal profession

The project will match young people with legal professionals to create positive change and address structural racism in the industry. Toynbee Hall and long-standing corporate partner Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP have partnered to launch the Champions Project, a programme for black people in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets at university, or who…
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Coronavirus Information update September 2020 – Including the new Job Support Scheme

With many people facing uncertainty around their employment, finances, housing and care, we want to ensure everyone has information they need to help them understand their rights and get the support they are entitled to. We’ve put together this guide with the latest information on what support is available and how you can get it.…
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London block of flats at night

Young renters call for increase in housing allowance to keep renters in their homes during pandemic

Toynbee Hall’s young renters research group spoke with renters and landlords prior to the ban on evictions being lifted on 21st September. This week the ban on evictions was lifted and courts in England and Wales resumed eviction proceedings. In response to this, the young private renters research group spoke with fellow renters and landlords about what long…
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Pandemic Stories - A new participatory research project by Toynbee Hall and Thrive LDN

Toynbee Hall launches new community-led research: Pandemic Stories

This Participatory Action Research project will aim to understand how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting low income and other disproportionately affected households Toynbee Hall are launching a new action research project today to understand how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting low income and other disproportionately affected households in London, including renters, disabled people and people…
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Understanding relationships between landlords and their tenants during COVID-19

Findings and recommendations from our recent workshops with renters and private landlords The Coronavirus crisis has had a dramatic impact on the income streams of both landlords and tenants, with a wave of job losses in March followed by a reduction in income for many due to furlough. Centre for London conducted polling in June…
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FLAC webinar: Redundancy - Understanding your legal rights

Redundancy Webinar: Understanding Your Legal Rights

Join us on 27th August for a discussion on how you can establish your legal rights when facing redundancy. As the government’s ‘furlough’ scheme comes to an end, the economic impact of COVID-19 means that many employees will now be at risk of redundancy. This webinar will outline what a fair process should look like,…
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Statement in response to The Mail Online article

Our online community Facebook page was the subject of an article on The Mail Online on Sunday Morning. Our online community Facebook page was the subject of a Mail on Sunday article today. The article discussed an incident within our “Activities against Isolation” group, which is and will always be an inclusive and diverse space…
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Older People's Day 2019 at Toynbee Hall

Co-designing Day Centres in Tower Hamlets

An invitation to attend two workshops to co-design older people day services in Tower Hamlets The London Borough of Tower Hamlets (LBTH) is in the process of reviewing its older people’s day centres. On behalf of LBTH, Toynbee Hall’s Research and Policy Team are running two co-production workshops to get the views of wider group…
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A Compassionate Approach: Understanding relationships between private landlords and their tenants during COVID-19

We’re holding two listening workshops for landlords and renters to share their experiences and form recommendations for the government. The Coronavirus crisis has had a dramatic impact on the income streams of both landlords and tenants, with a wave of job losses in March followed by a reduction in income for many due to furlough.…
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Debt Free London - Ways to Manage your Money

New help guide from Debt Free London – Practical tips to maximise your money

A help guide with ways to increase income and reduce expenditure to stop your debts increasing by Necla Bakirci, Quality Assurance Manager at Debt Free London Debt Free London is a partnership of 21 charities across London, led by Toynbee Hall that has provided free,independent advice – since 2006 we’ve helped over 250,000 ordinary Londoners…
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Fixed Button Language and accessibility tools