Author: admin

Is online enough?

By Elizabeth Archer, Head of Service Design and Delivery at Toynbee Hall

Bee presenting at Community Research findings launch

“If I had a smartphone and Wifi…”: A call for digital inclusion

Bee is a member of Toynbee Hall’s Community Centre. She is also one of our community researchers taking action to improve safety and togetherness in Tower Hamlets. In this blog, Bee talks about her difficulties with data limits, what has helped her to get connected online, and learns from one of her friends who doesn’t…
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Eid gift donations

196 children’s gift donations sent out to celebrate Eid

The gifts will be included in food packages sent out to households without recourse to public funds To mark the Eid celebrations on 22nd and 23rd May, the biggest celebration day in the Muslim calendar, we asked our team of staff and volunteers to be part of making it special for the children in those…
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Live Webinar: COVID-19, Health and safety and our rights at work

Live Webinar: COVID-19, health and safety and our rights at work

Join us online for a free live webinar at 4pm, Thursday 21st May. This Thursday, Dave Busfield-Birch, Free Legal Advice Centre Supervisor at Toynbee Hall, will provide an overview of employment rights in relation to health and safety in the workplace, in light of COVID. The topics covered will include section 44 (detriment for health…
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Emergency Covid-19 Response Appeal launched with £20,000 target

Toynbee Hall has launched an Emergency Community Response appeal to support the households and families in our community who have faced the worst impacts as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 crisis. The East End is among the country’s hardest-hit areas. Our frontline staff have seen how people who are already in precarious situations are…
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Thank you to all the amazing volunteers and mutual aid groups

#LondonTogether – Paying tribute to the amazing work of volunteers and community mutual aid groups

Since the lockdown began, we’ve been overwhelmed by the numbers of volunteers willing to help and want to pay tribute to them and the community mutual aid groups. As part of the #LondonTogether campaign. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, is inviting Londoners to share he inspiring examples of courage, kindness and generosity being shown…
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Gaps in support for self-employed

“I can’t afford to stay at home”: Gaps in support for the self-employed

Anwar lives in Tower Hamlets with his wife and two children. His first priority is supporting his family, and he works hard to make sure they have enough income to cover costs. Up until the crisis started he was managing by working as a self-employed Uber driver, but this work stopped suddenly with lockdown, throwing…
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Coronavirus Update - Monday 20th April 2020

Coronavirus information update – Monday 20th April

With many people facing uncertainty around their employment, finances, housing and care, we want to ensure everyone has information they need to get the support they are are entitled to. We’ve put together this guide with the latest information on what support is available and how you can get it. If you’re unsure on what…
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eports of domestic and financial abuse likely to rise once lockdown restrictions are lifted

Reports of domestic and financial abuse likely to rise once lockdown restrictions are lifted

A blog by Necla Bakirci, Quality Assurance Manager for Debt Free London Being confined to home because of coronavirus is difficult for everyone and the effect of this on people’s finances are serious for many, but it is becoming a real nightmare for a number of people who are suffering or at risk of abusive…
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Stay up to date with the latest information

Coronavirus – Stay up to date with the latest information: Updated 7th Aprill

The coronavirus outbreak is likely to have a major impact on all areas of life. In uncertain times it’s important to keep up to speed with the latest developments and know how you and your family are likely to be impacted. Here are some regularly updated guides from trusted sources so you have everything you…
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Fixed Button Language and accessibility tools