Author: admin

ATM out of service due to social distancing

London Challenge Poverty Week: Covid 19 and Financial Health

By Jen Durrant, Financial Health Research Manager At Toynbee Hall we believe that it is only by listening to the people affected by a problem that we can truly tackle it, and Covid-19 is no exception. So our excellent team of peer researchers – people from the local community surrounding and served by Toynbee Hall…
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Green shoots of recovery emerging - Jim Minton

Challenge London Poverty Week: Responding and recovering

By Jim Minton, Chief Executive of Toynbee Hall Each day for the past few months, small groups of local residents have been coming to the gardens at Toynbee Hall to tend and water the small patch of vegetables growing in the flower beds. The arrival of tomatoes, courgettes and figs has felt like something of…
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Pandemic Stories: Challenging poverty in London

Friday 16th October – Pandemic Stories: Challenging Poverty in London (Online Event)

As part of London Challenge Poverty week, Toynbee Hall is hosting an event to discuss early findings and recommendations from our Pandemic Stories research project. Pandemic Stories is a Participatory Action Research Project run by Toynbee Hall investigating the disproportionate impact of the COVID-19 crisis on Londoners who experience systemic disadvantage. It is a collaboration…
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People participating in the London Legal Walk

London Legal Walk 10x Challenge

On Monday 5th October, Staff and Volunteers from Toynbee Hall took part in the London Legal Support Trust’s virtual London Legal Walk 10 x Challenge to raise funds for the Free Legal Advice Centre. Although they were all participating separately, the team walked, ran and cycled more than 150 km, a fantastic effort! Toynbee Hall’s…
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Young black woman e-learning making notes looking at laptop

Toynbee Hall and Cleary Gottlieb are proud to launch The Champions Project to support young Black people with aspirations in the legal profession

The project will match young people with legal professionals to create positive change and address structural racism in the industry. Toynbee Hall and long-standing corporate partner Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP have partnered to launch the Champions Project, a programme for black people in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets at university, or who…
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Coronavirus Information update September 2020 – Including the new Job Support Scheme

With many people facing uncertainty around their employment, finances, housing and care, we want to ensure everyone has information they need to help them understand their rights and get the support they are entitled to. We’ve put together this guide with the latest information on what support is available and how you can get it.…
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London block of flats at night

Young renters call for increase in housing allowance to keep renters in their homes during pandemic

Toynbee Hall’s young renters research group spoke with renters and landlords prior to the ban on evictions being lifted on 21st September. This week the ban on evictions was lifted and courts in England and Wales resumed eviction proceedings. In response to this, the young private renters research group spoke with fellow renters and landlords about what long…
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Pandemic Stories - A new participatory research project by Toynbee Hall and Thrive LDN

Toynbee Hall launches new community-led research: Pandemic Stories

This Participatory Action Research project will aim to understand how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting low income and other disproportionately affected households Toynbee Hall are launching a new action research project today to understand how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting low income and other disproportionately affected households in London, including renters, disabled people and people…
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The recession is here… what now for graduates?

The recession is here… what now for graduates?

Free Legal Advice Centre volunteer, Laura S M Humayun, describes the challenges and shares her fears as a graduate looking to start her career at a time of recession. The consequences of the coronavirus pandemic are already visible as we are now entering the first recession in 11 years. Our livelihoods have changed completely. Undeniably,…
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Understanding relationships between landlords and their tenants during COVID-19

Findings and recommendations from our recent workshops with renters and private landlords The Coronavirus crisis has had a dramatic impact on the income streams of both landlords and tenants, with a wave of job losses in March followed by a reduction in income for many due to furlough. Centre for London conducted polling in June…
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Fixed Button Language and accessibility tools