Are you a landlord that rents out property in East London?

Are you a landlord that rents out property in East London?

Are you a landlord that rents out property in East London?

Invitation to join a sharing workshop on Thursday 26th November 2020, 6.00-7.30pm

In 2019, Toynbee Hall supported a group of young private renters to research the experiences of young private renters in East London. Our aim was to understand the difficulties they faced in finding and maintaining a tenancy.

We now want to share our findings with landlords who rent their properties in East London to hear their perspective on some of the challenges uncovered.

Join us for a sharing workshop where our Young Private Renters Group present their findings and invite you to discuss your experiences as a landlord.

The Toynbee Hall Research and Policy Team will provide dedicated support to facilitate this discussion.

There will be opportunities to take part in workshops until the end of January 2021 to design proposals to tackle the challenges uncovered together.

Tower Hamlets Council has committed to learning from the recommendations generated during this process.

If you would like to find out more, please email

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