10K Steps for Justice Challenge raises vital funds for FLAC

10K Steps for Justice Challenge raises vital funds for FLAC

Tens of Toynbee Hall staff, volunteers, friends and supporters completed the 10,000 Steps for Justice challenge on Monday 8th June, raising vital funds for our Free Legal Advice Centre and connecting with thousands of walkers across London taking part in the event organised by the London Legal Support Trust.

In our community, and across London, the virus and lockdown have created a surge in demand for support and help from free legal advice charities as many people seek assistance with employment, housing, and debt.

With the annual London Legal Walk suspended until October because of social distancing rules,  32 staff and volunteers joined Team Toynbee Hall to come together virtually on the day, completing their challenge across London and beyond.  

Toynbee Hall CEO Jim Minton said:

“It’s hard to remember a time when access to justice to people has been so necessary.”

“Our advisors, our volunteers, the people who work with us from a whole range of law firms, have been incredibly dedicated and incredibly busy helping people who’ve got housing issues, benefits issues, rights issues. They’re anxious, they’re fearful, they’re struggling to work out, like all of us are, exactly what’s going on.”

“It’s so important that they have access to the Free Legal Advice Centre that we operate at Toynbee Hall so it can help them.”

“We rely on so many people to make FLAC possible and we’re incredibly grateful to the firms, volunteers and supporters for everything you do – not only today but throughout the year.”

Toynbee Hall’s fantastic corporate partners also rallied staff, friends and family to complete the challenge in support of legal advice at Toynbee Hall. 12 walkers from Cleary Gottlieb walked the distance of 10,000 steps raising over £900 for Toynbee Hall and the London Legal Support Trust, while 31 walkers at Allen & Overy completed the challenge to raise £1,290 for Toynbee Hall, the London Legal Support Trust, and their other partners.

Byron Spring, Pro Bono Coordinator at Cleary Gottlieb, said:

“We are delighted to be taking part in the 10k Steps for Justice initiative to support Toynbee Hall. The outstanding efforts of Toynbee Hall’s staff and our lawyer volunteers have enabled the women-only Free Legal Advice Clinic to continue running remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic. Toynbee Hall’s work with those facing poverty and injustice in our local community could not be more important at this time.”

Toynbee Hall’s Free Legal Advice Centre is the oldest continuously running legal advice centre in the world. Since March, the Centre has doubled weekly advice appointments for Covid-19 related issues: meeting a huge and worrying surge in demand as more and more people find themselves in crisis. At this time, more than ever, the Centre is needed to ensure people who are marginalised have access to justice.

You can support Team Toynbee Hall’s efforts through the 10K Steps for Justice challenge and the London Legal Walk on 5th October by sponsoring the team here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/ToynbeeHall20

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