A Compassionate Approach: Understanding relationships between private landlords and their tenants during COVID-19

A Compassionate Approach: Understanding relationships between private landlords and their tenants during COVID-19

We’re holding two listening workshops for landlords and renters to share their experiences and form recommendations for the government.

The Coronavirus crisis has had a dramatic impact on the income streams of both landlords and tenants, with a wave of job losses in March followed by a reduction in income for many due to furlough.

The government has taken steps to try to mitigate harm to both landlords and renters:

• Suspension of possession proceedings:From March 3rd, renters have been protected from eviction, but the ban is due to be lifted on August 23rd, 2020.

• Mortgage holidays’:Mortgage borrowers who have been financially impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic can apply to extend their mortgage repayment holiday until 31 October 2020. This has offered some relief to landlords when their tenants have lost income.

• Advising a compassionate approach:The government advised a compassionate approach to resolving difficulties, and for landlords to work constructively with tenants who are struggling to pay their rent whereincome has been lost due to the crisis. This might include reaching a temporary agreement not to seek possession action for a period of time or to allow them to give a shorter notice period, to accept a lower level of rent, or to agree a plan to pay off arrears at a later date.

We are inviting landlords and private renters to share their experiences and recommendations for the Government going forward.

• What has been the reality on the ground for both renters and landlords?

• Which of the government interventions have worked, and where have the gaps been?

• What are some of the policy interventions that would provide financial security for both parties moving forward?

The first workshop to hear from Private Renters is on Monday 17/08/2020, 17:00 – 18:15

The second workshop to hear from Landlords is on Tueday 18/08/2020 17:00 – 18:15.

If you would like to find out more, please fill out this expression of interest form and we will be in touch. Alternatively, please call Bethan Mobey, Policy Officer, on 07983462374 for more information.

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