Local people decide to make tackling anti-social behaviour focus of research project

Local people decide to make tackling anti-social behaviour focus of research project

Community Research group decide to focus project on tackling anti-social behaviour

After discussion workshops and talking to 100 community members, our community research group has decided to do focus their project on anti-social behaviour.

At Toynbee Hall we put local people at the centre of the work that we do. This is no different for our research, where we are committed to supporting local people to do research on the issues that really matter to them.

Over the past few months, and thanks to the support of Trust for London and other partners, we have been supporting local people from Tower Hamlets, trained as Community Researchers. They will design a 2.5-year research study around Community Safety and Cohesion. After the initial discussion workshops and after talking to 100 community members, this group has decided to do research on anti-social behaviour, as they feel that it is such a pressing issue to tackle in Tower Hamlets.

Community involvement is critical to building a resilient and thriving neighbourhood”

Community Member

Responding to ‘What does feeling safe mean to you?’

Nothing safe – I don’t feel safe at all [in Tower Hamlets]”

To not be in a violent environment”

Feeling safe when you are outside, can’t go out now too much crime”

Over the coming months we will be supporting the group to do research to find out more about the issues people in Tower Hamlets face around anti-social behaviour. They will also look at how local people feel anti-social behaviour can be more effectively tackled. Once the group has completed this research in February 2020 we will be supporting them to campaign for, and implement where possible, the solutions identified as part of the research.

We are really excited to play a role in supporting local people to tackle important issues to our community and would also welcome your support. If you would be interested in taking part in the research, partnering with us on a campaign to tackle anti-social behaviour or in learning more, please contact philip.mullen@toynbeehall.org.uk or call 020 7392 2956.”

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